Friday, January 22, 2016

Overdue Assignments!

You may notice on Student Achieve that your son or daughter may have an overdue assignment. For grade 8 students this would be their historical narrative(based on the Halifax explosion) writing piece. Whereas grade 9 students may not have completed their short story writing piece.

It should be noted that students had ample amount of time to do these assignments in class.Students were also given sufficient time in the computer lab to type a final copy of these assignments. In addition, students were given the opprotunity to pass drafts into me for final suggestions.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Grade 8 & 9: Best Book of 2015 Video

Best Book of 2015 Video

In a video interview discuss your favorite read (book) of 2015. Include the author, title, and why you enjoyed the book.

Please email video or YouTube link to: 
In the subject line of email please include your first and last name.

Due date: Monday, January 11, 2016

Students will be assessed on speaking outcomes for this assignment.

*Your video should be no longer than 45 seconds.

*Please try to have a copy of the book to show your audience.