Thursday, November 28, 2013

Due Dates!

Grade 9's - Persuasive Essays due Tuesday, December 3rd.

Grade 8's - Historical Narratives due Tuesday, December 3rd

Monday, November 4, 2013

Grade 8's

8A - Elements of short story test/descriptive writing - Thursday, November 7th. We've been studying the elements of a short story - students have sheet with notes. In addition we've been practicing "showing" pictures in writing rather than "telling". Students will be a given a writing prompt that they will need to expand to "show" a picture in their writing.

8B - Test - Tuesday, November 12th. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Room 112 Updates!

Grade 9's - Students in grade 9 are in the process of writing a personal narrative. This piece of writing started as a 5 minute quick write and will evolve into a story about an experience(a snapshot moment) students have experienced. During this process we're studying internal and external dialogue, leads or hooks in writing and descriptive language. Ask your child what they are writing about:)

Grade 8's - Students in grade 8 are working on the reading strategy summarizing. This will lead into summarizing a documentary about the Halifax Explosion. In the end students will write a historical narrative that details the explosion.

Reminder - students are expected to read 5 books this term(mid November). It is expected all students read on a nightly basis.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Grade 9 Book Share Blog

Here is the link for our grade 9 book share blog:

After completing a book talk grade 9's will create a blog post recommending a book they have recently read. This blog will be a great place to find books recommendations!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


All students in my Language Arts classes are required to read 5 books(of their choice) this term. This is a change from the original, beginning of the year expectation. Students are asked to read each night for at least 20 minutes.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Landlady by Ronald Dalh

Below is a link for the screen adaptation of Ronald Dalh's short story The Landlady. Grade 8 students have been studying the story by searching for examples of foreshadowing.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Reading at home!

Students are expected to read 15-20 minutes at home on a nightly basis.

Friday, September 6, 2013


All students please remember to bring 3 duo-tangs to class Monday. Also, grade 9 students need to bring $1.25 to purchase a Reader's Notebook.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Welcome Back!

All students in my Language Arts classes have received or will receive(tomorrow) a parent/guardian letter. Please read, sign & return as soon as possible. Also, you may include your email address if you would like to be contacted via email.

My contact information can be found on the letter below. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or questions throughout the year.

I'm looking forward to a fantastic year!

Shellilee Ballum
Phone: 902-888-8470 extension 112
Twitter: @MrsBallum

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Grade 9's

Research essays are due Friday, June 14th. Students have been given a lot of class time to research, write, and type essays. Students that have not completed the essay must finish the essay on their own time. I have received about half the essays.

Parents/Guardians: If you are wondering if your child passed their essay in please email me & I will let you know:)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Grade 8's

Biography presentations will now happen for ALL grade 8 students on Friday, May 31st. Please have your content(cue card) ready.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Grade 8's - Biography Presentation

Grade 8's have been busy researching and writing biographies. On Friday, May 17th & Tuesday, May 21st students will present their subjects to the class. Below is the expectation/criteria for the oral presentation...

  • Students should rehearse their speeches - making sure their voice is loud enough & eye contact is made with audience. Speeches should be written on cue cards.
  • Students need to dress like the subject(props would be a good idea!) OR create a visual from poster board.  See photos below for examples...

 students are not requited to create a poster board like the one this student is holding

poster board example. students would not need to write information on board.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Grade 9's

This week students began reading the novel 'Forbidden City' by William Bell. We will spend a lot of time in the next few weeks exploring the setting and themes in the novel.

Attendance is very important - if students miss class they should ask a classmate or see me to find out what they have missed. It is crucial students keep up with the readings.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Grade 8's

Grade 8's are continuing to work through the unit 'Reality Check' - the unit focuses on synthesizing while reading and improving fluency in writing. This week students will begin writing a letter to the editor.

Reading continues for grade 8 students! Students are reading, reading & reading! By the end of June they will(hopefully!) finish reading 8 books:)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Grade 8's

After taking a look at the calendar for the remainder of the year the grade 8's and I have decided to revise the number of books they are required to read.

Here's the new plan:

1 Poetry
1 Fantasy
1 Science Fiction
1 Realistic Fiction
1 Historical Fiction
1 Mystery
1 Informational
3 chapter books of own choice
Total: 10 Books

4 Letters
1 Important Passage
1 Sketch to Stretch
1 Clay Connection
1 QQSO(Quote, Question, Surprise, Observation)
1 Book Review
1 Presentation(very short)
Total: 10 Assignments

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Grade 8's

Product Placement assignment - due Tuesday, March 26th. Students have been given assignment instructions.

Read! Students should be reading on a nightly basis. Also, students are expected to read over March break. Remember grade 8 students must read 15 books by the end of June:)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Grade 8's

Grade 8 students will be reading 15 books from now until the end of June. That's right - 15! They will be give lots of class time. In addition they will complete 14 short assignments(examples of assignments are posted on our class bulletin board) to go along with the reading.

Students have been given a list of book genres they must read - here's the list:

1 Poetry Anthology
1 Traditional Literature
1 Fantasy
1 Science Fiction
1 Realistic Fiction
1 Historical Fiction
1 Mystery
1 Biography or Autobiography or Memoir
2 Informational
5 Chapter books of their choice

Students may want to take books home to read each night - just please remember to bring them back the following day!

Parents/Guardians - Ask your son or daughter what they are reading!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Welcome to my Language Arts Blog!

Hi there! I'm back! I will post upcoming assignments and homework for my grade 8 & 9 L.A. classes. Please bookmark and check on a regular basis. I will post in the title the grade I'm referring to - since I teach both 8 & 9 Language Arts.

Parents - please email( or call me(888-8470 extension 112) if you ever have any concerns or questions.

Students - Extra help is always available!