Friday, October 24, 2014

What we're doing in room 112!

Grade 8's
We've just finished studying main idea(in both non-fiction & fiction). This week we stared studying the elements of a short story. Hopefully next week students will begin writing their own short story.

Book Talks - Next week students will sign up for a date to present their book talks. Below are the guidelines for book talks.

Book Talk Assignment Guidelines

For this assignment you will give an oral presentation about the book you have been reading to the class. Please bring the book or a printed picture of the book.


1. Prepare notes for your speech. Your notes will count as 10 points of your total book talk grade.

2. Begin your book talk with an introduction. Introduce the book you read with an interesting lead or hook that get’s the readers attention. Be sure to identify the author(you may want to tell a little about the author) and title of the book. Also, why you chose the book.

3. Tell about the different literary elements in your book, including:

____ Setting: Briefly describe the time period and place where the story takes place.

____ Protagonist: Describe the main character and explain his/her conflict.

____ Minor Characters: Describe any minor characters that are important to the plot.

____ Plot: Briefly summarize the main events of the book. Don’t try to tell everything, but give the listener a good idea of the events of the plot.

4. Share a selection. Read a short passage from the book that you like. This could be descriptive writing, suspenseful part, a scary part...or something that you think the author has done well. Read this selection out loud from the book. Be sure to explain what is happening in the book at the point you are reading.

5. End with a recommendation/critique. Explain whether or not you would recommend this book to your classmates. Which audience would enjoy it most? Be sure to give a strong supporting reason to your opinion. 
Remember to practice your book talk aloud before the due date!!!!

Grade 9's
Most students are finished or almost finished writing personal narratives. I would like all narratives by Thursday, October 29th. 

Book Talks - We've started book talks for first term. All grade 9 students will present before November 5th. Students are expected to prepare book talk on their own time and practice their 'talk' at home. 

Grade 9's are currently studying the parts of speech.