Thursday, October 30, 2014

Reading Ladders - Grade 8 & 9

All students will complete a reading ladder before the end of first term. Students will be given time in class to work on their ladders. See below for assignment guidelines.

Reading Ladder – Analyzing your reading process

A Reading Ladder is simply a piece of explanatory writing where students rank the books they’ve read according to complexity, reflect on their reading habits, and make plans for future growth.

Purpose: to step back and look at what you have accomplished as a reader in order to measure progress and set new goals for term two and the rest of the school year.
1.    Compile a list of all of the books you completed and abandoned so far this school year. List the books in order of most difficult to least difficult.

2.    Write a “Why this Order?” paragraph.  Explain your reasons for ranking books. Discuss what make a book ‘difficult.’

3.    Reading Rate – calculate the number of pages you've read this term. Then calculate the average number of pages you read per week. This will determine your reading rate for this term. Compare this new rate with your reading rate at the beginning of the term. Discuss your at home reading habits.

4.    Summary – summarize four books. Provide a true summary of the book, not just a comparison between books.

5.    Personal Goals – set goals for term two and the rest of the school year. These should be specific: I will read 15 books by June. I will read one nonfiction book. I will develop an at home reading habit. I will…

Due date:__________________________